Entrepreneurs' Battle- By Judith Dandison

Entrepreneurs'Battle: You are not alone. By Judith Dandison.

Came across this on one of my low days and it was a miracle cure from God for my low state. I brightened up and put on my fighting gear with a bright smile on my face. Enjoy it.

Meanwhile Congratulations on your efforts even if you failed cause we learn and achieve not only by success but also by failure.

Naomi Simson
Entrepreneur, founder, director, blogger, author, speaker - and mum wrote:

The Entrepreneurial Journey Is Not for Everyone
July 21, 2014

This is me! This is my life! Taking one careful step after another, with a consistent smile, confidence and resilience (and all whilst being the brand and wearing red). Juggling much while focusing on a far distant vision. This life is not for everyone. You have to be a little bit crazy and have a very thick skin. Be prepared to live from hand to mouth and give your life to the 'cause'.

Years ago a fellow founder described being an entrepreneur as being like a clown punching bag: no matter what hits us we keep popping up, with a big smile on our face. I asked him once, "What happens if I just don’t get up one time?" He responded: "Well you wouldn’t be an entrepreneur then. That’s what it is to be an entrepreneur, we just keep going."

Why are entrepreneurs so "revered" — is it this resilience in the face of defeat? Journalists clamor to break the story of the "next big start up," "the overnight success story"... the reality is so far from this truth.

Most start ups remain small businesses. It is only a handful that truly scale and solve the problems of the world. Yet the public has a fascination with the idea of the rags to riches story. Founders as demi-gods. Maybe it is because people understand that precarious nature of what we do.

People often ask me about success, they want me to define "the one thing that created success for me." The answer – hard work – just is not that interesting for most people. There are no short cuts; I could have just as easily fallen from the tight rope, but I haven't. There are no guarantees.

The founder of tech startup 99 dresses shared vividly her experience of failure. Nikki Durkin wrote for News.com

OVER 90 per cent of tech start-ups fail, but I never thought my baby, 99dresses, would be one of them.

If there is one thing that doing a start-up has taught me, its that I am much more resilient than I could have ever imagined...

Since then I’ve survived being stabbed in the back by cofounders, investment rounds falling through, massive technology f**kups that brought sales to a halt, visa problems, lack of money, lack of traction, lack of a team, hiring the wrong people, firing people I didn’t want to fire, lack of product-market fit, and everything else in between...

The start-up press glorifies hardship. They glorify the Airbnbs who sold breakfast cereal to survive, and then turned their idea into a multi-billion dollar business. You rarely hear the raw stories of start-ups that persevered but ultimately failed — the emotional roller coaster of the founders, and why their start-ups didn’t work out.

Here is my contribution to the cause: my story. This is what failure feels like. I hope it helps."

Hope you enjoyed yourself? So dust yourself, smile and fight on.

#Best love note- By Judith Dandison

Best love Note
 Loving me
- By Judith Dandison

I see beauty in my imperfections.
Even when  I break down in the face of adversities, I love me.
Even when I fail, I love me.
Even when I feel unlovable, I love me.

By loving me, I draw breath.
By Loving me, I love God.
By loving me, I am bold in the face of adversities.
By loving me, I rise when I fall.
By loving me, I succeed in life.
By loving me, I conquer.
By loving me, I can love another.

I am unique and only wish to be the best me.

Love yourself and love will flow around you - Judith Dandison

#How to beat obstacles- Judith Dandison

 luck- Hardwork
By Judith Dandison

'Julie, you have always been the luckiest amongst the two of us' says Janet. Juliet turns and stares at Janet with a look of surprise. 'Look at you, you are a success. I can't even believe we were born by the same parents', Janet continues. Juliet smiles calmly and says, 'I am not born luckier than you, I worked and sweated. I prepared myself to be ready and able to use any opportunities that showed up my way'.

Janet and Juliet were born 2 years apart to Mr and Mrs Stevens. Mr. Stevens died when Janet was 15 years old and Juliet 13. Their mother became sickly thereafter and couldn't do much for them financial. Two years after their father's death, she informed then they had to quit school as she couldn't meet up with their tuition.

The two girls were devastated. After two days of mulling Juliet decided it was in her hands to fight for her future. She decided to stop pitying herself and to take control of her life. While Janet on her side was angry at the whole world, angry at her father for bringing her into the world without her choice and then dying and leaving her desolate. Oh, most of all, she was angry at her mother for not breaking her back to she that she had good education like her friends.

What did they do? Juliet picked up a job to enable her go to school and she worked HARD. She knew that it was up to her to make a better future for herself and her sickly mom. Janet also picked up a Job but was laid off within one week because she was always late to work and was lousy at the Job. She took up another job as a baby sitter but was sacked on the third day when her employer caught her in bed with her eldest son.Seven years down the line, Juliet from her sheer hard work and determination and her decision to take control of her life holds a good post in an advertising company while Juliet is Jobless, living in her mother's house with a son she had with a married man and saying to anyone that cares to listen to her, that she has been unlucky all her life.

Unfortunately it is not luck that has made her unsuccessful in life so far but her ardent refusal to accept responsibility for her life. As Les Brown put it, 'Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else'. So get up and take hold of your life. Nobody is luckier than you. The decision to be successful is a decision you have to make by yourself and believe in yourself that you can do it. As Ray Kroc put it, "Luck is a dividend of sweat, the more you sweat the luckier you get".

So, if you don't prepare yourself, you will be handicapped to use an opportunity even where it stares you in the face.