Beauty of being 'you'.

#How can I wish to be Kim Kardashian?

How can I wish to be Kim Kardashian?

I was an addict? No, I was not a drug addict, but I was addicted to watching a particular Reality Series. It is called ‘Reality Series’, reality, as in ‘real’, and gush I was in awe, and I felt some people are inexplicably blessed. Such all-minute fun, such affluence, such fame, but as I continued to be in awe for months as I watched this particular series the scale began to fall off my eyes. Yes, on the ‘Face Value’ there appeared to be lots of fun, fanciful lifestyle, splash of wealth, vulgarity, fame and all the things most people may view as a must-seek Happiness and accomplishment.

Recently I learnt of some young boys’ gushing when they were watching this same reality series I’ve been referring to. The boys are like “WOW! SUCH FUN, I WISH I WERE THE KARDASHIANS”, and I’m like, ‘ARE THEY REALLY SERIOUS, DO THEY WISH TO BE THE KARDASHIANS?” It is quite funny to me but I understand them, at their age they might not be able to read between the lines but may only see the fanciful pictures and scripted fun-filled lives of some persons that have challenges like everyone else in this world.
I don’t know what you think, but I know the lives of the Kardashians, which people and our youths in particular, are forced to believe is real, are not as fanciful as presented. For instance, the keeping up with the Kardashians Series was shot for close to one year from the time Bruce Jenner left the house before his divorce with Kris as if nothing of such happened. He was coming to the Kardashian home to shoot this series, to sell to the awed and watching public a healthy, cozy and fun-filled family life, when it was the complete opposite. That killed it for me when I found out a year later. Unreal Reality!

For crying out loud, their lives are not perfect but very far from it. It is pure business as every other one else is doing. It is a personal choice what you want to sell to the Public. All youths should wake up and stop wishing to have lives that are really not better than theirs. I am of the view that each one of us, brought into this world by the creator, is custom-made with problems and challenges he can bear and conquer, if he look inside himself and works towards being the best of him. Why wish to be someone else? Do you know the thoughts in the person’s mind, if he or she is really happy, fulfilled, or contented? Do you know if that person actually is not contemplating suicide even with the attractive life and smiles you see? IF FAME AND MONEY BRINGS HAPPINESS, THEN WHY DO SOME STARS AND SEEMLY ACCOMPLISHED INDIVIDUALS COMMIT SUICIDE?
Please drop your view.



By J. N. C. Dandison

I have sown
I have worked
I have not slept when I ought to work 
But I have failed to reap.
Forces beyond my control have made it 
impossible for my Harvest to come in.

I despair. 
I lack, 
I hunger,
 I starve.
I ponder because I have prayed
I have praised 
I worship and serve the Almighty
I have cried
I have sought
I have recounted the promises 
of the Lord to me

But I still sink.
I ask myself, how long can my faith carry me.
I have hoped but it gets worse.
Have always made myself to smile through it all,
but as it worsens it becomes a burden to smile.
I don't have the strength to smile anymore.
I ponder, but I refuse to fall.
I kneel because I can't stand anymore 
I frown and resign myself to fate
I tell the Almighty that, 
if this is what he wishes for me,
let it be because I had promised him
I will never serve another God.

I just breathe and exist
Not caring what will happen next.
Then it all begins to change.
I start seeing favours, 
unsolicited goodwill, Answers and the light.
I smile, I thank God, I praise him.
I smile, because I conquered,
I broke but did not fall.
I kept my promise
I survived.
I conquered because I didn't choose
the easy way out,
to sin or compromise myself.