#How to JumpStart your brain.

How to jumpstart your brain.

By Judith Dandison

It’s Wednesday morning. I walk into the Office; bring out my Laptop to write a very complex and challenging argument in support of my matter. My head seems blocked, I think; ‘This is one of those slow days’.

I know I have to draft this argument as time is of essence. I have to submit same tomorrow. I start to get worried. What do I do? I pick of my Laptop and start to play Freecell. Yes, Freecell. Freecell is one of the free games you have on Laptops, Computers and some Phones. It is a game of cards, like Solitaire which I equally love and play. Before long, my mood improves; my energy surges and I open up Microsoft word and take on my Argument. At the end of the day I meet up with the target with a job well-done, because I refreshed my brain.

Sometimes I play these games, after a tiring Court Session, to cool off and refresh, in order to go down to other businesses. At the end of the day, what do I get, a relaxed mind, a fully activated brain and a good and satisfying job.

Playing these free games, as I play some other ones too, over time sharpen my brain and erase tension and negativity in my life. This is because I task my brain to accomplish non work related targets and tasks, seeking to achieve more wins in less time just for pleasure. You may note that too much of everything has negative effects; these games are to ease off tiredness and not your full time job.

Here are some of the other non-work related activities that can improve your output.

1. Sitting quietly in a park for about 30 minutes or longer.

2. Sitting quietly at your desk for a few minutes, thinking of and remembering some of the things that have made you happy in life.

3. Going for a short walk of about 10 minutes.

4. Reading a Fiction novel for a few minutes before you continue the Job and at your free times.

5. Listening to an upbeat music you enjoy.

6. Dreaming of positive goals you can achieve.

7. Going through some inspirational and motivational write-ups on the internet for a short while.

8. Doing any other thing you personally know lifts your spirit.

You can download some free games today and boost your work.